Monday, October 31, 2016

Fostering your child's genius, while simultaneously not doing much

As a first year middle school teacher, I used to jam pack my lesson plans. If 5 minutes weren't accounted for, the class would inevitably turn to chaos. Throughout the year, after many trials and tears, I figured out that less activities were needed if my classes were engaged with whatever I had planned. It ended up being less prep time for me, funner classes, and the students learned more.

As a first year mom, I also had to figure out the balance between keeping my baby stimulated, but not getting burned out trying to buy or make too many activities, books, games, toys, that she'd grown out of. I had to turn on my teacher brain and think of stimulating, engaging activities for Mae that would allow her creativity and independence. Aaaaaand I also didn't want to do a whole lot. Here is one of those activities.

Mae (12 months) is current obsessed with any type of brush. Blush brush, eye-shadow brush, hair brush, toothbrush, you name it. She also uses them interchangeably. She brushed my husbands hair with her toothbrush yesterday, and on more that one occasion she's tried to stick my blush brush in her mouth. I thought it would be fun to have her try painting...  until I realized she is one, super messy and might try to use paint as make up or brush it in her teeth, which might make a cute picture, but also might kill her.

I checked out Pinterest for edible paint (in case she ate some), but then I was like "Uh, I don't want to clean that up". I also saw some bath paint.. I looked at a few recipes and realized it's pretty easy to make and it might keep her busy for a spell. Here is an altered recipe.

Basic Recipe

Corn Starch- I used about 4 T. to begin with
Baby Shampoo (non toxic and gentle)- I used about 5 T.
Water- (the recipe called for about 2 tsp, but it made it too watery, next time I probably wont use any. I had to add extra Corn Starch just to get the consistency back)
Food coloring

I mixed up everything but food coloring and then divided it in this craft box I found at the dollar store.

I added 1 or 2 drops of food coloring, and then stirred them with a toothpick.

I gave her a sponge brush and a regular paint brush, and striped her down and put her in the bathtub. This is literally the best picture I could get because she was so busy playing, that she wouldn't look up.

I took about 5 minutes to make the paint, and she took a 30 minute "paint" bath (and then a real bath because she started painting her own body). I call that a success. *self-five*

Friday, October 14, 2016

Little gifts

Little gifts come in the most surprising way. I was feeling a little anxious about subbing for the first time this school year. I hate leaving Mae, even for just a few hours. I know it'll be good for her to bond with other people besides me, but it's hard nonetheless.

The best gift came from Mae. She's never been a great sleeper.. she generally wakes up at least twice a night, sometimes more if she's teething, or hungry, or sick, or she just misses me and wants to cuddle for a few minutes in the middle of the night. But last night, she slept for 12 hours straight, and didn't make a peep. I think this has only happened once before (my birthday). She's so thoughtful.

We then spent much of the morning snuggling and reading, two of my favorite things.

Just when I thought Mae couldn't get any more giving, she gave me the biggest gift of all. During our morning shower, I looked down on my smiling angel baby, who was playing with her bath toys, and thought "I must be the luckiest mom in the world". And then, I smelled it. Mae had just taken the biggest poop on the shower floor. I gagged the whole time while cleaning it up.

Thanks Mae. I love you too.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

My baby's a jerk, and other epiphanies.

Mae has 8 teeth. She likes to grind these 8 teeth together in a manner that simultaneously makes my skin crawl and makes me want to jump through the nearest window to escape the sound.

She grinds them, I say "no." She grinds them again, I say "No!". She smiles, then grinds them again. I say "No!" and flick her in the mouth. She cries. We hug. She must think this is the world's worst game, but it's a game we play 3 times a day.

It's the smile that really gets me. The smile that says "let's see how far I can take this before I get smacked in the mouth". Not far, I'm afraid.

I never thought I would have a jerk for a kid. Especially one that's not even a year old yet.

The little jerk is too smart for her own good and LOVES doing things she's not supposed to... like making out with Xbox controllers...

or using a very unstable toy train to climb onto furniture (she did that herself.. she can't even walk yet)

or eating rocks... ("but the recipe called for 3/4ths cup of rocks, mom!")
It's hard to know what the right course of action is, when your kids a jerk. Do I try and speak logically to them and explain that objects with wheels aren't very sturdy? Do I quickly distract them with something else and hope they don't remember they were just trying to strangle themselves with a cord? Or do I continuously smack the rocks out of their hand until they cry? *asking for a friend*

The truth is, all kids are jerks sometimes, and each situation calls for a different creative response. Parenting is an art, not a science. And we just have to to take it one rock at a time.

Seriously though, any ideas on getting your kid to stop maliciously grinding their teeth in your general direction?

Monday, October 3, 2016

DIY Halloween Ball Box

You know how babies reach a certain age where they think it's real fun to take stuff out of things and put stuff in things just to see what happens, (or perhaps to get a reaction out of Mom)? Like.. taking all the clothes out of drawers.. or putting keys in the toilet?

Well, my beautiful angel baby, Mae, is really into these fun "cause and effect" experiments. Instead of fighting it, I embraced it.

I started with one old diaper box. I cut a few holes in it, made an opening at the bottom and taped some paper in so the ball would roll out the bottom. She LOVED it. Putting the ball into the hole, and seeing it roll out. Then I made a few more, where the ball could roll out of the side, or out of two different holes. I'm going to be honest, it's not even close to "Pinterest" worthy on the cuteness scale... having a bunch of diaper boxes with holes cut out of them sitting in your living room.

Pre-baby Rachel would probably gag a little bit to see that I didn't mod-podge cute scrap-booking paper on it, or even bother to spray paint it. But I've come to the conclusion... Mae is going to be sick of playing with it in a few months, and I can just go throw it in the recycle bin and no one will be the wiser. Plus, babies don't care.

I did put a tiny bit more effort into this "Halloween" themed Ball-Box since it is October.

I used a box, a knife, tape, and some cardstock paper.

Step 1: Cut two holes near the top (eyes), and one opening at the bottom (mouth).

Step 2: Spray paint the front (you're welcome Pre-baby Rachel). But I'm giving you permission, busy mom, to skip this step if you want to.

Step 3: Tape the cardstock to the bottom of the box, at an angle so that the ball rolls out the front. You  may need multiple pieces of paper depending on how big your box is.

Step 4: Tape the top shut. Give your babies some smallish balls (we used golf balls). And watch in awe as your baby stays busy for at least 2 minutes. You're welcome.
 I think she likes it. 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

DIY Pillowcase Animal Hammock

When Mae was sick with a cold, nothing was helping her sleep. I found myself rocking, singing, nasal spraying, humidifying, and whining. As I was rocking her to sleep for the third time that night, I noticed her staring at her animal hammock that hung on her wall. I held her up to it. After much deliberation, she chose a light brown teddy bear, snuggled it, and fell asleep in my arms. She had chosen her new best friend. 

Before that day, she had never had any interest in any stuffed animal, let alone needed one to fall asleep. I credit that one magical night to the animal hammock that literally took 5 minutes to make. Guaranteed to help any baby fall asleep instantly, or your money back!* 

*not a real quarantee, also, you never gave me any money*

Step 1- Choose a pillow case you wont mind never using as a pillow case ever again

Step 2- Turn inside out, and cut the 2 long edges (you can cut the outside seam all the way off). 

Step 3- If you want to be real fancy, hem the edges.

Step 4- If you're like me and decided that no one was every going to see the edges, and it will likely not fray since no one will play with it, go to step 5.

Step 5- Using a rubber band, or string, or ribbon, or whatever to scrunch the two outside edges together. (I used the stitching of the pillowcase as a guide for placement)

Step 6- Screw two of these things in the wall where you want your hammock to be.
Step 7- Hang Hammock.

Step 8- Fill with adorable stuffed animals.

Step 9- Enjoy having a baby who sleeps through the night (once). 

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Suck It, Pre-Baby Rachel

I have been a mom for 11 months, 3 days, and 7 hours. In some ways if feels like this is all I’ve ever done, but in other ways, it feels surreal, like this is just a temporary job I get to do for a while that pays $0.

Occasionally I think back to the days when I didn’t plan my life around nap time, or worry about how much milk my boobs had in them, or wonder if Meredith will ever find love again after McDreamy.

Sometimes I wonder what pre-baby Rachel would think about post-baby Rachel. Would she judge my yoga pants and hoodies that I wear 6 days a week? Would she say “that mom looks tired” when I don’t wear make-up… 7 days a week? Would she look at my house, covered in toys and Cheerios and think, “I’m never going to be THAT mom!”? Would she look at my 10 pound heavier body with a soggy tummy yet somehow skinnier legs and be grossed out and slightly confused?

Pre-baby Rachel wore regular human clothes every day AND make up. She flirted and dated and got kissed quite a bit. She worked and had regular interactions with other adults and even had friends. She had lots of time for hobbies like sewing, dancing, wood working, going to the gym, and yeah, ok, still watched an absurd amount of TV.

I’ve come to the conclusion… yeah pre-baby Rachel would totally judge post-baby Rachel. But she wouldn’t understand that yoga pants make it easier to crawl around on the floor while I’m playing with Mae. Or for going on 2-5 walks every day. She wouldn’t guess that by not wearing make up my skin has never been clearer and Bryan doesn’t notice anyway. Pre-baby Rachel didn’t get big slobbery kisses every day from both her adorable baby and annoyingly handsome husband. Seriously, he gets more handsome every year. It’s the worst. I may not have regular interactions with adult humans every day.. but I get to teach a baby how to be an awesome human, and I think that’s better.

Pre-baby Rachel may have had more time for hobbies, but now I have more purpose for hobbies. Now I sew to make Mae bibs, burp cloths, new high chair covers, blankets, toys, and clothes. Instead of the Foxtrot, I dance with Mae in the living room, and now every time she hears music, she wiggles her butt and shakes her arms, and I die from cuteness a little bit every time. I dance with Bryan in the kitchen after a long hard day, and no, we won’t win any awards, but at least he doesn’t step on my toes anymore. I get to make wooden toy boxes, blocks, and a height chart for Mae. Taking her on hikes, runs, and walks lets her enjoy nature and learn and explore. And helps me have energy to be a good mom, and also try to lose those pesky 10 pounds.

Pre-baby Rachel may have been cuter and had more free time and way more money, but she didn’t have this.

Suck it, Pre-baby Rachel!