Monday, October 3, 2016

DIY Halloween Ball Box

You know how babies reach a certain age where they think it's real fun to take stuff out of things and put stuff in things just to see what happens, (or perhaps to get a reaction out of Mom)? Like.. taking all the clothes out of drawers.. or putting keys in the toilet?

Well, my beautiful angel baby, Mae, is really into these fun "cause and effect" experiments. Instead of fighting it, I embraced it.

I started with one old diaper box. I cut a few holes in it, made an opening at the bottom and taped some paper in so the ball would roll out the bottom. She LOVED it. Putting the ball into the hole, and seeing it roll out. Then I made a few more, where the ball could roll out of the side, or out of two different holes. I'm going to be honest, it's not even close to "Pinterest" worthy on the cuteness scale... having a bunch of diaper boxes with holes cut out of them sitting in your living room.

Pre-baby Rachel would probably gag a little bit to see that I didn't mod-podge cute scrap-booking paper on it, or even bother to spray paint it. But I've come to the conclusion... Mae is going to be sick of playing with it in a few months, and I can just go throw it in the recycle bin and no one will be the wiser. Plus, babies don't care.

I did put a tiny bit more effort into this "Halloween" themed Ball-Box since it is October.

I used a box, a knife, tape, and some cardstock paper.

Step 1: Cut two holes near the top (eyes), and one opening at the bottom (mouth).

Step 2: Spray paint the front (you're welcome Pre-baby Rachel). But I'm giving you permission, busy mom, to skip this step if you want to.

Step 3: Tape the cardstock to the bottom of the box, at an angle so that the ball rolls out the front. You  may need multiple pieces of paper depending on how big your box is.

Step 4: Tape the top shut. Give your babies some smallish balls (we used golf balls). And watch in awe as your baby stays busy for at least 2 minutes. You're welcome.
 I think she likes it. 

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